Thursday, July 27, 2006

Get a Workout from It!

Meditation is fantastic. Meditation to someone who hasn't done it before is like exercise to someone who has been sitting on his couch for the past few months - it's hard to start, but once you do, it's harder to stop. Being a beginner, my usual session is about 10 to 15 minutes of either lovingkindness or mindfulness meditation. I have found that both kinds of meditation help me greatly with getting through the day with energy and drive. It also helps with my karate lessons and weight training - I'm not particular about when I do my meditation, last night I tried it almost immediately after my workout, and the good result was the same. Think of it as a protein shake for the mind. =)

For more information on how to do lovingkindness meditation, try

What are you waiting for? Try meditation and get a (relaxed) workout for your mind!


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