Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ancient History, Ancient Love

When it comes to reading and studying ancient history, my favourite civilizations are by far are the Mesopotamian empires, most famous among them the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Persians. As tenacious as the Chinese, as curious as the Greeks, as ingenious as the Indians, and sometimes as militaristic as the Romans, these Middle-Easterners would be the first to develop the wheel, pottery, and the first pessimistic philosophy and religion (I guess when all you see is desert everyday and getting invaded every other month, it's not easy to maintain a sparkling outlook on life). Nevertheless this would not stop them from building great cities like Ur, Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis (that bastard Alexander just had to burn down the palace of the Persian Kings).

I recall my high school with many fond memories, but the academic memory that truly awakens my nerd sentimentality is the Ancient History course, which would be the only lesson which I truly looked forward to. I miss those lessons as much as I miss the long-gone ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.


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