Thursday, July 27, 2006

Core Training Tips (cont.)

In my previous post I listed four important methods of training the core: bodyweight, swiss ball, medicine ball, and cable/dumbbells. Within your core workout you should have exercises similar to any normal routine - a balanced repertoire of challenging yet doable exercises that will work all aspects of your core and trunk. Here are a few you may like to adopt into your routine, if you haven't already. Note that none of these were developed by me and have been used by many before me.

Side Pillar Bridge (Bodyweight): Lie on your left side with your forearm on the floor under your shoulder and your feet stacked together. Raise your hip off the floor, creating a straight line from ankle to shoulder and keeping your head in line with your spine. Hold for 1 to 2 seconds, then lower and repeat. After you've completed 15 reps, lie on your right side and repeat.

Swiss-Ball Pike (Swiss ball): Get into push-up position, but place your shins on a Swiss ball. Raise your hips as high as you can and roll the ball towards you. Pause, then lower yourself and roll the ball backwards. Do 12 - 15 reps.

Medicine Ball Punch (Medicine ball): Get a medicine ball and have a partner drop it on you while you are lying down. This is to simulate a punch. Remember to suck in your abs when the ball makes contact. Start with 3kg, then increase the weight when you feel comfortable. Experiment dropping distances - a ball dropped from your partner's shoulders will be more taxing than one dropped from knee height.

Leg Raise (Bodyweight): This is by far my favourite ab exercise, and it also strengthens your lower back. Lie down and raise your head slightly so you can see your feet. Keeping your legs and feet together, raise them slowly as high as you can, pause, then slowly lower them to slightly above an inch to the ground. Then repeat. Stay slow.

If you haven't, try a couple of these exercises in your next workout.


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