Monday, August 07, 2006

6. Omnis Determinatio est Negatio

Can you become an Ubermensche, or Overman/Superman, by denying God? Nietzsche certainly thought so. His ideas are revolutionary and fascinating, in particular his concept of the "Will to Power" - humans are alone, there is no God, and adherence to a creed like Christianity is nothing more than obeying a slave morality - where values typically valued in slaves, like meekness and obedience are revered, in contrast to strength, dominance and power - which is morality akin to the master. Nietzsche disliked Christianity because he hated the reversal of values which led to the "Last Man", an antithesis to the Ubermensche. Only by re-evaluating or destroying old ideals can one become a Superman.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is perhaps Nietzsche's most famous work, where he details the steps to become an Overman:

1. By his will to power, manifested creatively in overcoming nihilism and re-evaluating old ideals or creating new ones.

2. By his will to power, manifested destructively in the rejection of, and rebellion against, societal ideals and moral codes.

3. By a continual process of self-overcoming.

Nietzsche was an anti-Christian, yet admired Jesus as an Ubermensche. This existentialist philosopher is essential for anyone who seriously studies all aspects of theological and moral debate.


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