Thursday, August 10, 2006

Exploiting Buddha?

Is the popularity of the recent "Buddha Bars" a harmless method of attracting patrons or a cynical exploitation of the beauty of Buddhist themed art?

I don't drink much, but personally I feel it is the former rather than the latter. I can understand Westerners', in particular Americans', fascination with Buddhism since it comes from the East; they'll jump at a chance to advertise it as something exotic, foreign, and exciting. Nevermind that it is a religion and philosophy; if one can spice up a bar with a statue of the Lord Shakyamuni, why not?

I don't think these bar owners are exploiting Buddhism... yet. I guess I see it like this: it's not good to throw up in front of a statue of the Blessed One from overboozing. A couple of martinis and bourbons savoured before a smiling Buddha, on the other hand, should be of little harm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea, buddha would love to see a bunch of red-necks intoxicate themselves, piss indisciminately and bash each other up over 3 drops of beer

8:02 pm  

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