Sunday, August 20, 2006

Bodhi Tree Diary: Total Body Workout with only dumbbells

I have developed a total body workout with four "hybrid" exercises, which blend two exercises together in smooth motions. All you need is a pair of dumbbells to work every muscle in your body... do this workout 3 times a week and rest for at least a day in between sessions, since it is a total body workout. Do 2 to 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps for each exercise. Alternate between 1A and 1B, then move onto 2A and 2B.

1A. Reverse Lunge/Shoulder Press Hold a pair of dumbbells in line with your shoulders with one leg in front about 1 foot. As you do a reverse lunge, lift the dumbbells upwards above your head in a shoulder press. Return to starting position, then repeat with other leg.

1B. Dumbbell Jump-Squat to Squat-Thrust/Push-Up Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, squat, then jump as high as you can. Land softly into a low squat, then shoot out your legs so you're in the push-up position. Do a push-up, then reverse the motion so you are back in the starting position.

2A. Bent Over Row/Back Extension: Holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides while your upper body is parallel to the floor, lift the dumbbells up to your abdomen. Then, drive your heels into the ground and move into an upright standing position. Reverse the motion to repeat.

2B. Dumbbell Crunch: This one is actually not a hybrid exercise. =) But it is a good dumbbell exercise nevertheless.

The outcome? An efficient and time-saving total body workout. =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will definitely take it into consideration once I find out what they are.....


9:22 pm  
Blogger Raymond said...

No problem - I'll elaborate on them then...

10:10 am  

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