Sunday, August 13, 2006

Bodhi Tree Diary: Quirks of Cartoons

There isn't enough anime to go around these days. The home of anime - Japan - churns out new cartoons and manga everyday, but in Brisbane it takes more than a semester for the first DVD instalment of a new anime to come out in the shops.

The state of manga is even worse. One volume of Full Metal Alchemist in Hong Kong costs $30 HK - about $5.50 Australian. The same volume costs a whopping $27.00 Australian in Brisbane. Talk about a ripoff.

I've heard that Sydney is a much better source for anime and manga than Brisbane is. I wouldn't be surprised. I only know of a few shops that sell good comics and anime in the Central Brisbane District area - I've always liked Daily Planet, and I used to go to Ace Comics at least once a week in high school.

What a pity... =(


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