Thursday, August 10, 2006

A life philosophy anyone can adopt.

A friend of mine once said, "You hesitate, you masturbate." He was, of course, referring to hooking up with the ladies in bars and clubs. Talking about how to best pull women (typical bloke talk), he suggested once you set your eyes on one of them, you have to follow through - lest you let the chance slip.

"You hesitate, you masturbate" sounds awfully superficial. But I don't think so. As a philosophy, it's easy to remember, humorous, and most importantly, has a worthwhile message. And it is this: Hesitate to do what you want to do, and eventually you're going to have to settle for something second-best.

While you need not use the word "masturbate" for "second-best", this does not diminish its relevance. If you're having trouble deciding a simple yet effective credo to live by, why not choose this one?

E/N. This post is meant in jest and not to be taken seriously. "You hesitate, you masturbate" is hardly a suitable philosophy in the face of ones like Aristotle's Golden Mean or Socrates's "Gadfly". =)


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