Saturday, August 19, 2006

Whole Body Workouts.

As a beginner in martial arts, I think weight training can bring great benefits. My favourite type of workout is the whole body workout, which is performed 3 times a week (preferably Monday, Wednesday and Friday), resting for at least 1 day after each session. I'm not a bodybuilder, so unless time permits, I don't really attempt many isolation exercises. I generally do dead lifts, bench presses, pull-ups, pulldowns, swiss ball exercises, and shoulder presses. Because I believe that the core is the most important part of the body to develop, but also that you should have an evenly balanced body muscle distribution, I workout the whole body. My objective is function, not aesthetics.

Here is my modified version of Alwyn Cosgrove's minimalist workout:

Dumbbell Dead Lift
Dumbbell Incline Press
Bent-Over Row
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
Swiss Ball Pike

I particularly emphasise abs - my idol is Bruce Lee in this respect. Leg raises are a great exercise for the lower abs, and if you supplement that with the Swiss Ball Pike, you really have a good abs regimen going.

Split bodypart workout routines are good for those who focus specifically on weight training. Because my main focus is karate and boxing, I can't really risk uneven bodypart development. Total body workouts are my thing, also because they are more fun for me and not so boring (let's admit it, lifting weights is so much more boring than sparring with other people).


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