Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Love has been said to be best left to amateurs to explain. This is understandable - love is too unpredictable, too random, a friend once complained, "too screwed up" - to allow scientists to explain.

Divorce in the developed West runs at 50% - in many cases it is higher - when one enters into a committed relationship one can be almost certain that he or she has been in serious relationships with partners previously, whether married or not. Is a new model of romance needed, seeing as how often the current one fails?

Lately I have encountered a growing online movement called MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way. The main objective of this movement is to expose much of the myth created by contemporary feminism, and also to restore respect for the traditional model of Judeo-Christian marriage. I'm not part of their movement, and I don't agree with everything they advocate, but MGTOW is a refreshing new look at contemporary society and relations between men and women in America, Britain, Canada and Australia.

Love is a subject that has the potential to outlast even the most prolonged philosophical debate or religious discussion. And this is what makes it, one of the craziest and in my opinion, best things in life.


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